Focused. Quietly Reserved and Prepared.

Our Mission is the Preservation and Advocacy of Prayer for Nations, Territories, Regions, Governments, Economics, and Humankind. That is, authentic and genuine prayer(s) in its purest form of a blessing, covering, and judgement.

We indeed recognize and acknowledge that "God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" according to John 4:24 and that "The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. according to Psalm 24:1.

Biblically, God created all men regardless of race in His image and His likeness to complete an assignment divinely endowed.

It is imperative that our collective and collaborative prayer efforts impresses the heart toward regeneration, embeds, and expresses a form of urgency and resolve as it is essential for our everyday lives.

It is in our best interest to remain unbiased and fair in equality while under the inspiration, leadership, guidance, fortitude and authority of the sovereign God.

All men desire an opportunity to encounter and experience God first-hand for the wellbeing of themselves and their families.

Finally, to maximize outcomes God desires for the world and the image (mankind) He has created verbalized in testimonies everywhere giving God thanks unconditionally.

At the end of the day, we together "Make Disciples".

John 11:40 KJV

"Jesus saith unto her (Martha), Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?"

We Edify. We Exhort.
We Comfort.