Frequent Questions. Answered On-Demand.
First and foremost, this is a secured site you can trust.
You may call to listen into the prayer Monday through Friday by using the Listen-In Code of 3899920.
Call (800) 780-8834
The prayer starts promptly at 6:00 PM CST.
Call (800) 780-8834
The prayer starts promptly at 6:00 PM CST.
Submitting prayer request is 24/7 and our prayer partners will answer them accordingly. If you would like to be called, please provide cellular telephone number voluntarily.
All prayer request posted is secured.
We secure your privacy as well. We do not share, sell, distribute, or harvest your e-mail address.

We secure your privacy as well. We do not share, sell, distribute, or harvest your e-mail address.
Your personal prayer request posted privately is available by audio upon request.
After we have prayed based on your prayer request, an audio file is made available securely and privately.
After we have prayed based on your prayer request, an audio file is made available securely and privately.
Prayer Partners both private and public awaits you if you so desire.
Having a prayer partner can make a difference between possessing deeper insight into your prayers and the desired outcomes to follow.
The outcomes of prayer are based on an individual's faith, belief system, and their ability to follow scriptural (biblical) leadership and guidance.
Having a prayer partner can make a difference between possessing deeper insight into your prayers and the desired outcomes to follow.
The outcomes of prayer are based on an individual's faith, belief system, and their ability to follow scriptural (biblical) leadership and guidance.
Resources that might be of interest to you or others.
• Prayer Banners
• Scriptural Games
• Prayer Instrumentals
• Short Inspirational Videos
• PrayerCasting™
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• UltimateVisionCasting™
• Prayer Banners
• Scriptural Games
• Prayer Instrumentals
• Short Inspirational Videos
• PrayerCasting™
• Newsletter
• Advertisement
• UltimateVisionCasting™